The Children of San-Simon
- בימוי: Shahar Galnoor
- הפקה: Sadot Productions Ltd. Mooly & Tslil Landesman
- צילום: Ran Aviad
- עריכה: Kobi Netanel
- תסריט: Shahar Galnoor
- תחקיר: Shahar Galnoor
- הקלטה: Haim Shaffir
- מוזיקה מקורית: Itamar Doari
- עיצוב פס-קול: Erez Eyni Shavit
- שפה: Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew/ English
גופים תומכים / גוף שידור
- Galil Film Fund
- New Fund for Cinema and Television
- Gesher Multicultural Film Fund
- Mifal Hapais- Israel Lottery Council For Culture & Arts
Sima Shimony, age 69, embarks on a mission to find her friends and staff from the "ALYN" Institute for Children with Disabilities, that was situated in San-Simon monastery in Jerusalem, in the 1960's. With a small camcorder attached to her wheelchair she sets on a journey together with her friend Pini Newirth, to unfold and reclaim the story of the children of the Polio epidemic. Growing up together, forged a group of remarkable people who launched the Disability-Rights movement in Israel. An uproarious and charming heartfelt depiction of seniors with disabilities navigating their golden years with candid humor and zest.
Israel 2024, 73 דקות