צילום: Nira Malin

Corona Project

  • בימוי: Nira Malin
  • הפקה: Nira Malin
  • צילום: Nira Malin, Amir Fishman
  • עריכה: Nira Malin
  • תסריט: Nira Malin
  • תחקיר: Nira Malin
  • הקלטה: Nira Malin

גופים תומכים / גוף שידור

השתתפות בפסטיבלים


Nira Malin

The film “The Routine under Covid-19” is a diary documentary film that follows the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic in Hatikvah Quarter in Tel Aviv (Micro of the Macro) – the “Gesher” hostel for people with mental health (my dwell), through the banks, the market, the local shops, and the bus station.

Israel 2021

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