צילום: Uri Peleg

88 My Love

  • בימוי: Yana Riahi
  • הפקה: Barak Stern
  • צילום: Uri Peleg
  • עריכה: Katia Shepeliavaya
  • תסריט: Yana Riahi
  • הקלטה: Tomer Rubinchik
  • עיצוב פס-קול: Isaac Levy
  • שפה: Hebrew
  • שפת תרגום: Hebrew/English

גופים תומכים / גוף שידור

השתתפות בפסטיבלים

  • Solidarity Human Rights Film Festival
  • Junction North International Documentary Film Festival
  • West Side in Athens Doc Fest
  • DokuBaku IDFF


  • Best Student Documentary Film - Solidarity Film Festival
  • Honorable Mention -West Side in Athens Doc Fest

יצירת קשר: Yana Riahi

88FM was a radio station that broadcasted music that couldn't be heard on any other station. One day, under new management, the station became a playlist-based station and lost its uniqueness. But the loyal listeners didn't give up and went out to protest. The film tells a story of 88FM and the unique struggle for pluralism and music.

Israel 2023, 33 דקות

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