Wave of Terror
- בימוי: Inbal Rauchwerger Dayan
- הפקה: Inbal Rauchwerger Dayan
- צילום: Eastside Studio
- עריכה: Eastside Studio
- תסריט: Inbal Rauchwerger Dayan
- תחקיר: Inbal Rauchwerger Dayan
- שפה: Hebrew / English
- שפת תרגום: English
יצירת קשר: inbal rauchwerger-Dayan
The short documentary film " Wave of Terror " follows the paramedics, the EMTs, and the teams of the dispatch center that stood out during the "Lone Wolf Intifada" period and took a vital role in cases which will stay in public memory and reveals "behind the scenes" of these events, their influence on the team and the moments in which the teams went out of their way to save lives.
israel 2019, 22 דקות