#Uploading _Holocaust

  • בימוי: Udi Nir, Sagi Bornstein
  • הפקה: Udi Nir, Sagi Bornstein, Christian Beetz, Georg Tschurtschenthaler
  • עריכה: Sagi Bornstein, Gal Goffer
  • תסריט: Udi Nir, Sagi Bornstein
  • תחקיר: Tamar Menashes
  • מוזיקה מקורית: Uri Agnon
  • עיצוב פס-קול: Aviv Aldema
  • שפה: Hebrew
  • שפת תרגום: English

גופים תומכים / גוף שידור

Keshet The New Fund for Cinema and TV BR RBB ORF Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg

השתתפות בפסטיבלים

DokLeipzig 2016
DocAviv 2017
Krakow Int. Film Festival 2017
DokFest Munich 2017
SWR dokufestival 2017
Biografilm Festival 2017
Mumnai Int. Film Festival 2018
Luxemburg City Film Festival 2018

יצירת קשר: Hedva Goldschmidt

Every year, 30,000 teenagers join a school-trip about the Holocaust, known in Israel as The Journey To Poland. 8 days, 4 concentration camps, 2 mass graves, 10 memorials, 100 teenagers in 1 hotel. Teenagers film every gas chamber and ceremony, as well as late-night hang-outs at the hotel and video selfies. They share these videos online, adding to an ever-expanding YouTube archive of over 30,000 clips. #uploading_holocaust weaves many of these YouTube clips to reveal a moving and troubling image of the way collective memory is formed in the Internet Age.

Israel, Germany, Austria 2016, 75 דקות

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