- בימוי: Ronit Kertsner
- הפקה: Ronit Kertsner
- עריכה: Ronit Kertsner
- תסריט: Ronit Kertsner
- שפה: Polish and Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: English Hebrew
השתתפות בפסטיבלים
Australia Jewish Film Festival, Australia ,2014
Winnipeg Jewish Film Festival, Canada ,2013
Religion Today International Film Festival, Italy ,2012
East Bay Jewish Film Festival, USA ,2012
CineMigrante International Film Festival ,2012
Hamptons International Film Festival, USA ,2012
Toronto Jewish Film Festival, Canada ,2012
Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, USA ,2012
San Diego Jewish Film Festival, USA ,2012
New York Jewish Film Festival, USA ,2012
Palm Beach Jewish Film Festival, USA ,2011
Verzio Intl. Human Rights Docs ,2011
Vancouver Jewish Film Festival, Canada ,2011
Docaviv International Film Festival, Israel ,2011
San Francisco Jewish Film Festival , USA ,2011
יצירת קשר: Go2Films
The impossible story of the Jewish Catholic priest Romuald Waszkinel / Jakub Weksler. an inner journey of an extraordinary man, who discovered at age 35, twelve years after being ordained as a Catholic priest, that he was in fact a Jewish Holocaust survivor, that his Jewish mother had given him to a neighbor on her way to the death camp. “Torn” follows the most significant year of his life, starting with his him conducting his last mass after his decision to leave Poland, up to the dramatic turning point –his joining the religious kibbutz “Sdeh Eliyahu” as an observant Jew.
Israel 2011, 72 דקות