The Talkbackers

  • בימוי: Tzvi Binder
  • הפקה: Yariv Mozer and Aric Bernstein
  • צילום: Eliran Knoller
  • עריכה: Ziv Karshen
  • תסריט: Tzvi Binder
  • תחקיר: Iris Shimoni
  • הקלטה: Ravid Dvir
  • מוזיקה מקורית: Gad Emil Zeitun
  • עיצוב פס-קול: Yossi Appleboim
  • שפה: Hebrew

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Rosh Pina 2007

If you search for the name "Dov Binder" on the web you'll come across numerous results. Dov Binder is not a celebrity or a politician. He is a 60 year old truck driver who learned how to use a computer. He became Israel's most active "Talkbacker"- a commentator on articles on the web. He is mean and angry and he is not alone.

Israel 2007, 60 דקות

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