The Myth Machine
- בימוי: Uri Rosenwaks
- הפקה: Uri Rosenwaks
- צילום: Danor Glazer
- עריכה: Taly Goldenberg
- תסריט: Uri Rosenwaks
- תחקיר: Guli Dolev,Neomi Kantor Shayek,Roni Bar Dov
- הקלטה: Eli Bain
- מוזיקה מקורית: Avi Belleli
- עיצוב פס-קול: Aviv Aldema
- שפה: Hebrew,
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew 1 ch English also
A new documentary series that unfolds and dissects the national collective consciousness into its components and analyzes them. Myths from the past as well as today still play a central role in our perception of reality; For some Israelis they are a symbol, a flag and an object of identification for others, they embody turning a blind eye, humiliation and repression.
Israel 2023, 52 דקות