The Last Chance
- בימוי: Mooly Landesman
- הפקה: Tslil Landesman
- צילום: Tslil Landesman
- עריכה: Kobi Netanel
- תסריט: Mooly and Tslil Landesman
- תחקיר: Mooly and Tslil Landesman
- הקלטה: Ishay Oren
- מוזיקה מקורית: Israel Bright
- שפה: Hebrew
יצירת קשר: Sadot North
This is the story of the human spirit journey from its very lowest point to the height of self and social -awareness. The journey takes place in hard drug detoxification department – at the Tsalmon Prison. The department includes Jews and Arabs who share a common fate; their relationships are totally detached from everything happening outside the prison walls. Dr. Talina Wincor is founder and director of the center. A woman within a world of men, she paves her way into the souls of her patients with a gentle touch and a firm hand. Slowly but surely, the clichés and…
Isarel 2004, 90 דקות