Summer In Arad
- בימוי: Anat zeltser
- הפקה: modi and anat Inc
- צילום: Adi moses
- עריכה: Ido Muchrik
- תסריט: Modi Bar-on and Anat Zeltser
- תחקיר: Amir Cohen
- מוזיקה מקורית: Eran Weiss
- שפה: Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew/English
For several weeks in 2013 I prowled the well laid-out streets of Arad. I got to know the villa neighborhood adorned with For Sale signs, tenement blocks adorned with For Rent signs, and the breathtaking desert scenery – also perhaps for sale or rent. I met residents of Arad, old-timers and newer arrivals – the founders who feel their town is being taken away from them, old-timers who love Arad despite everything and because of everything, new immigrants from Russia who now make up half the town’s population.
Israel 2015, 60 דקות