Sack of Talents

  • בימוי: Isaac Jonathan Jehuda
  • הפקה: Isaac Jonathan Jehuda
  • שפה: Hebrew
  • שפת תרגום: Hebrew, English

גופים תומכים / גוף שידור

  • New Fund for Cinema and Television

השתתפות בפסטיבלים


יצירת קשר: Isaac Jonathan Jehuda

The film follows Elroei and Dafna, a couple with cerebral palsy from birth, who have raised four beautiful healthy children. Through the publishing of Elroei’s book, his fulfillment of a lifelong dream and ten years of work, a courageous story spanning generations is revealed. One man’s “Sack of Talents”, and how he copes with life’s daily challenges and struggles is a story of faith and inspiration for all.

Israel 2020, 23 דקות

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