Private Album
- בימוי: Morris Ben-Mayor & Kobi Farag
- הפקה: Shir Helena Rosen
- צילום: Uriel Sinai
- עריכה: Morris Ben-Mayor & Shauly Melamed
- תסריט: Morris Ben-Mayor, Kobi Farag, Shauly Melamed, Noam Sheizaf
- תחקיר: Tehila Afota
- הקלטה: Amit Ella
- מוזיקה מקורית: Eldad Zitrin
- עיצוב פס-קול: Avi Mizrahi
- שפה: Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: English
יצירת קשר: Hedva Goldshmit
“Private Album” is the story of Israel’s seventy years of independence, as they are reflected in the very private images of 17 Israelis. Each picture brings back to life an historic moment, together, they form a unique collage, located between the personal and the national, the intimate and the public – a reflection of the entire hyper-political Israeli existence.
Israel 2018, 86 דקות