- בימוי: Racheli Schwartz
- הפקה: Gal Schwartz and Daphna kaplanski
- צילום: David Yashkuner
- עריכה: Vika Schur
- תסריט: Racheli Schwartz
- תחקיר: Racheli Schwartz and Ofer Gavish
- הקלטה: Eyal Varmus
- מוזיקה מקורית: Alexander Tamir's piano clips
- עיצוב פס-קול: Yakov Janai
- שפה: Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew and English
יצירת קשר: Gal Schwartz
The film brings to life the story of a song contest held in the Vilnius (Vilna) ghetto on March 1943, several months before its liquidation and focuses on one song and its composer, an 11-year-old boy, Alec Volkowisk. Sixty years after The "Child" returns with director Racheli Schwartz to the youth theater in Vilnius, exactly where the competition was , he played his song Ponar, which won second place. Today, he is recognized worldwide as pianist Alexander Tamir. returning to Vilnius, joined by singer Meital Treblassi who will sing Ponar for those who never could
Israel 2003, 52 דקות