Photo Farag
- בימוי: Kobi Farag
- הפקה: Mosh Danon
- צילום: Roee Farag
- עריכה: Morris Ben-Mayor
- תסריט: Gidi Weitz, Morris Ben-Mayor
- תחקיר: Kobi Farag
- הקלטה: Tuli Chen
- מוזיקה מקורית: Avi Baleli
- עיצוב פס-קול: Michael Emet
- שפה: Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew\English\Arabic
יצירת קשר: Kobi Farag
Tel Aviv, on the corner of Dizengoff and Arlozorov. Every day many Israelis walk by the photo shop that was once glorious and remains engraved in the collective memory as the epitome of family and wedding photos, but few know the story behind it. Member of the youngest generation of the Farag family, director Kobi Farag went on a journey to discover the family history. By digging in the private archives,he peeled layer by layer to reveal the story of ten brothers and sisters who immigrated from Baghdad in the fifties and climbed the ladder of success from their lives…
Israel 2016, 77 דקות