- בימוי: Anat Tel
- הפקה: Anat Tel
- צילום: Emmanuelle Mayer
- עריכה: Noam Amit
- תסריט: Anat Tel
- מוזיקה מקורית: Alberto Shwarzt
- עיצוב פס-קול: Rotem Dror
- שפה: Hebrew, English
- שפת תרגום: English
השתתפות בפסטיבלים
DocAviv Festival 2018 Leipzig Festival- Germany 2018 Hoboken Festival- New-York 2019 Women Make Waves Festival, Taiwan 2019
יצירת קשר: Go2Films
Phoenix, 32 years old, was born and raised in the African Hebrew Israelite community in Dimona, a small city in the desert of Israel. When he was only 3 years old, his father was expelled from the community to the USA, because he tried to reveal some of the innermost secrets of the community. As a result, people in Dimona say that Phoenix received his father's curse. A close family friend took advantage of his loneliness and raped him. For many years no one knew what the little boy was going through. It was their secret. Phoenix lives in post-trauma…
Israel 2018, 70 דקות