Nelson's last stand

  • בימוי: avi marzuk
  • הפקה: lilach shayo avi marzuk
  • צילום: avner shaf
  • עריכה: tali goldenberg, daniel sivan
  • תסריט: avi marzuk
  • תחקיר: avi marzuk
  • הקלטה: gay keisar
  • מוזיקה מקורית: dudush
  • עיצוב פס-קול: rotem dror
  • שפה: heb/eng
  • שפת תרגום: heb/eng

גופים תומכים / גוף שידור

  • GMFF
  • NFCT

השתתפות בפסטיבלים

  • DOCAVIV 2021
  • BAFICI 2022


יצירת קשר: avi marzuk

. rafi Nelson, who feared losing his holiday village on the Sinai border, went to war to preserve his village. He harnessed his comrades at the top of the government to protect the small country . The affair, which lasted nearly a decade, is a web of political intrigue that forced Israel into an entanglement that endangered peace with Egypt. absurd look at the conflict in the Middle East through a square kilometer of passion.

israel 2021, 82 דקות

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