Nazareth Cinema Lady
- בימוי: Nurit Jacobs Yinon
- הפקה: Nurit Jacobs Yinon
- צילום: Ronnie Katzenelson, Ran Aviad, Ron Babersky, Roey Roth, Udi Moses…
- עריכה: Ayelet Ofarim; Additional Editing: Limor Pinhasov, Bracha Zisman-Cohen;
- תסריט: Nurit Jacobs Yinon
- תחקיר: Nurit Jacobs Yinon
- הקלטה: Dror Manzura
- מוזיקה מקורית: Mark Eliyahu, Didi Erez;
- עיצוב פס-קול: Rotem Dror
- שפה: Hebrew & Arabic
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew & Arabic
גופים תומכים / גוף שידור
Produced with the Assistance of The Second Authority for Television and Radio, The New Fund for Cinema and TV, Israel Lottery Council for Culture and Arts.
השתתפות בפסטיבלים
Winner of the Israeli Film Competition at the Epos International Art Film Festival 2016
Official Choice at the Haifa International Film Festival, September 2015
Official Choice at the 'other Israel' film festival at JCC Manhattan, 2016
Mostra de Cinema Documental d'Israel (Israeli Docs), Barcelona - Spain 2016
Middle East Now Film Festival, 2017
Official Choice at the The Jacob Burns Film Center (JBFC), 2017
Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinemas, 2018
Women's Rights Nights Film Festival, Macedonia, 2018
יצירת קשר: Nurit Jacobs Yinon
This is the story of Safaa Dabour, a religious Muslim from Nazareth, who established the first and only Arab cinematheque in Israel.
A Muslim in Nazareth, an Israeli in the eyes of Arab countries, an Arab in Israel, and primarily, a single woman in a men's world, an involuntary warrior, she travels to bring Arab box-office hits from Arab countries to create an oasis of culture for the society to which she belongs. This is a cinematic profile of a courageous woman whose path to freedom is interwoven with the battle for her own cinematheque.
Israel 2015