Murder at Cinema North
- בימוי: Avida Livny
- הפקה: Shula Spiegel, Dana Eden
- צילום: Avner Shahaf
- עריכה: Yoni Kohen
- תסריט: Avida Livny
- מוזיקה מקורית: Amnon wallman
- שפה: Hebrew and English
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew, English
יצירת קשר: Hedva Goldschmidt
In 1957, young Holocaust survivor Tommy Blitz tries to rob the Cinema North cashier. While escaping, he kills Italian-Jewish engineer Fidia Fiatelli, standing in the ticket line. The murder shocks the young State of Israel. After a failed escape from jail, Blitz asks the forgiveness of Fiatelli’s widow, Heinkeh, a music teacher born in Germany — a Christian drawn to Buddhism. She decides to forgive him. But the murder and the terrible secret of Blitz’s mother, who collaborated with a Nazi agent during the Holocaust, continue to haunt the lives of Blitz and Heinkeh, until their tragic end.
Israel 2020, 83 דקות