Lost Angeles
- בימוי: Sharon Yaish, Golan Rise
- הפקה: Haggai Arad, Aharon Peer & Elad Peleg
- צילום: Ran Aviad
- עריכה: Sharon Yaish
- תסריט: Sharon Yaish, Golan Rise
- מוזיקה מקורית: Ran Bagno & Nadav Rubinstein
- עיצוב פס-קול: Aviv Aldema
- שפה: Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew, English
יצירת קשר: Daroma Productions
In Kiryat Malachi, Los Angeles twin city, the dreams were left behind. For the last 30 years Yosef Hurriye sits in his chaotic and messy watch shops fixing watches. Yosef was the town genius, but the town he grew up in is no place for geniuses. Today he is 60, with mounting debts and looming local elections he decides it's time. Against all odds he decides to run for office as a one-man party, to right wrongs and give Kiryat Malachi a future.
Israel 2022, 76 דקות