Life According to Eve

  • בימוי: Amir Har-Gil
  • הפקה: Udi Kalinsky, Pro Vid Co.
  • צילום: Nili Atzlan
  • שפה: Hebrew
  • שפת תרגום: Hebrew

גופים תומכים / גוף שידור

השתתפות בפסטיבלים


Amir Har-Gil

Eva is a 17.5 year old girl who lives in the Hatikva neighborhood with her mother, her sister and her brother. Eva, a 12th year cinema student at a school in North Tel Aviv, makes a film about her and her family's life. Both she and her sister attend classes with kids of the richest families in Israel. Their mother, works day and night in two places to earn a living. She is the only breadwinner. The different standpoints of each family member are described, their reality and the way they cope with it.

Israel 2001, 1 דקות

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