In The Director’s Chair Sits A Woman
- בימוי: Smadar Zamir
- הפקה: Elad Peleg, Haggai Arad, Daroma Productions
- צילום: Ran Aviad, Adi Mozes
- עריכה: Noy Barak
- תסריט: Smadar Zamir, Noy Barak, Itamar Alcalay
- תחקיר: Lily Yudinsky
- מוזיקה מקורית: Noga Rotem
- עיצוב פס-קול: Shahaf Wagshall
- שפה: Hebrew, English
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew, English
גופים תומכים / גוף שידור
- Rabinovich Foundation – Israel Cinema Project
- Gesher Multicultural Film Fund
- Bouras - House for Independent Art, Kivunim - Beer Sheva
- Cinema South Festival - Sapir Academic College
השתתפות בפסטיבלים
- 2020 Haifa Film Festival, Documentary Competition
- 2020 Cinema South Festival
- 2020 Solidarity Festival, Documentary Competition
- 2021 Jerusalem Women's Film Festival
יצירת קשר: Eran Polishuk
Twenty six Israeli women directors of narrative features are sharing their personal experiences of sitting in the director’s chair. From Ellida Geyra – Israel’s first female fiction filmmaker, to contemporary female directors, the film weaves together a conglomerate of women's voices, as they echo each other, clash, and come apart, then culminate in a fiery speech by Ronit Elkabetz. Their stories create a diverse and cinematic patchwork quilt of female directors, providing us with a multifaceted reflection of any woman who wishes for her story to be heard.
Israel 2020, 60 דקות