In Secret
- בימוי: Lina Chaplin
- הפקה: Daniela Reiss Razon
- צילום: Itzik Portal
- עריכה: Bracha Zisman Cohen
- תסריט: Lina Chaplin/ Bracha Zisman Cohen
- תחקיר: Aharon traitel/ Daniela Reiss Razon
- הקלטה: Hezi Davidyan
- מוזיקה מקורית: Didi Erez
- עיצוב פס-קול: Rotem Dror
- שפה: Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew/ English
יצירת קשר: Ruth Films
"Anusim" – They are everywhere – ultra-Orthodox Jews. They cannot be identified. Within them there is a struggle between the inner truth and the outside world. How did they become “Anusim”? Why are they and not others? The common furrow is a basic requirement in Orthodox society. You have to be ‘someone’ to take a step that takes you out of the furrow you were born into. Anusim are talented people, often with a rebellious personality. Years of research often make us indifferent to human encounters, not in this case.
Israel 2020, 54 דקות