Hot Blood
- בימוי: Arthur Abramov
- הפקה: Osnat Trabelsi
- צילום: Arthur Abramov
- עריכה: Lev Goltser, Oren Horesh
- תסריט: Arthur Abramov
- עיצוב פס-קול: Rei Elbaz
- שפה: Hebrew, Russian, English
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew, English
גופים תומכים / גוף שידור
- Makor Foundation for Israeli Films
- Channel 5
- The New Fund for Cinema and Television
יצירת קשר: Trabelsi Productions
"Hot Blood" tells the story of Daniela (16) and Ohad (17) determined to make their dream come true and become kickboxing champions. Alongside the demanding lifestyle of training, they face strong opposition from their Caucasian, conservative families to the violent sport. Will their persistence and perseverance come to fruition?
Israel 2021, 58 דקות