- בימוי: Omer Daida
- הפקה: Roni Caspi
- צילום: Omer Daida
- עריכה: Almog Ganot
- הקלטה: Dana Maimon, Noam Barkat
- מוזיקה מקורית: Dana Maimon
- עיצוב פס-קול: Noam Barkat, Ami Arad
- שפה: Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew-English
- DocAviv - Best Student Film
- DocAviv - Cinematography Award
- Cinema South Festival - Best Documentary Award
- Cinema South Festival - Cinematography Award
- Cinema South Festival - Editing Award
יצירת קשר: Hedva Goldschmidt
Itamar, Naama’s father, owns a ranch that raises cattle for slaughter. Ten year old Naama deals with a big philosophical question regarding life & death while working with her Father. Together they attempt to bridge their worldview regarding death, while Naama develops feelings for the cattle, Itamar see’s death as an inevitable part of life.
Israel 2021, 37 דקות