Group Portrait

  • בימוי: Igal Stulbach
  • הפקה: Igal Stulbach
  • צילום: Igal Stulbach
  • עריכה: Igal Stulbach
  • תחקיר: Igal Stulbach
  • שפה: Hebrew
  • שפת תרגום: English

השתתפות בפסטיבלים

Korea International Expat Film Festival - 2016
The film was broadcast on TV channel 10 in May 2016

יצירת קשר: Igal Stulbach

The film features 38 second-generation Holocaust survivors who responded to an invitation I posted on Facebook. I filmed everyone who agreed to take part and you'll see and hear them all in the film. I didnt ask specific questions , I just asked them to give a brief monologue on the things they find significant as second generation. They choose the film locations.

Israel 2016, 61 דקות

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