Family Picture
- בימוי: Bat-Sa’ar Raviv
- הפקה: Bat-Sa’ar Raviv, Hadas Shoshani
- צילום: Tomer Refaely, Bat-Sa’ar Raviv
- עריכה: Yotam Rotbard
- תסריט: Bat-Sa’ar Raviv
- מוזיקה מקורית: Yotam Aloof
- עיצוב פס-קול: Rotem Dror
- שפה: Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: English
Family Picture is a nostalgic memory of a family. a journey of a daughter and a mother trying to face their past. Through some old tapes that she received from her mother, the director tries to rebuild her family's story
Israel 2021