End of the Story

  • בימוי: Barak Heymann
  • הפקה: Barak Heymann
  • צילום: Uri Levi
  • עריכה: Nili Feller
  • תחקיר: Tali Shamir-Werzberger
  • מוזיקה מקורית: Ophir Leibovitch
  • שפה: Hebrew
  • שפת תרגום: English

גופים תומכים / גוף שידור

Yes Docu
Makor Foundation for Film and TV

יצירת קשר: Heymann Brothers Films

At one time Israel and Iran had a mutually prosperous political and economic relationship. Israelis living In the documentary series "End of the Story", the director Barak Heymann ("Bridge over the Wadi", "Dancing Alfonso") follows three divorce stories, each at a different stage of the process. The heroes of the series – Nili, Moti, Ilan and Liat, each in a different decade of life, cope with the dramatic changes impacting their families, and over the course of two years of documentation share their coping mechanisms with the whirlwind of relationships, loneliness, and love.

Israel 2012, 30 דקות

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