Each According to His Ability
- בימוי: Yigal Tibon
- הפקה: Giora Yanai
- צילום: Arbel Rom
- עריכה: Avishay Hannan
- תסריט: Yigal Tibon
- תחקיר: Yigal Tibon
- מוזיקה מקורית: Kobi Luria Uri Ophir
- עיצוב פס-קול: Yonatan Molian
- שפה: Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew
Yigal Tibon
Film Synopsis The film “From Each According to His Ability” – a musical docudrama including songs composed for the film – tells the story of a group of people in their 80s, all of whom grew up, and most of whom still live, in Kibbutz Ein Hashofet. They are the daughters and sons of the founders of the kibbutz, which in 2017 celebrated its eightieth anniversary. Much of the film is devoted to memories of childhood and youth in a classical kibbutz: a collective in which all income and property belonged to the community and all of one’s needs were…
Israel 2018