Do You Believe In Love
- בימוי: Dan Wasserman
- הפקה: Barak Heymann
- צילום: Gonen Glazer, Daniel Miran
- עריכה: Ron Goldman
- תחקיר: consultant:Tali Shamir-Werzberger
- מוזיקה מקורית: Eli Soorani
- עיצוב פס-קול: Gil Toren
- שפה: Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew, English
השתתפות בפסטיבלים
Haifa International Film Festival, Israel, September 2013
DOK Leipzig Film Festival, Germany, October 2013
Reel Abilities – NY Disabilities Film Festival, USA, March 2014
Maine JFF, USA, March 2014
Santa Barbara International Film Festival, USA, January 2014
DocsDF international Documentary film festival of Mexico City, Mexico, October 2014
SILVER HORN for the Director of the Best Medium-Length Documentary- Krakow International Film Festival, Poland, May 2014 Special Mention -BOSIFEST 2014
The Fifth Belgrade International Film Festival for and by People with Disabilities, Serbia, 2014
Special Mention- Budapest International Documentary Film festival, Hungary, September 2014
Audience Award -CinéDOC - Tbilisi, Georgia, October 2014
The GRAND-PRIX Award- International Festival of Ethnological Film, Serbia, October 2014
Best Message For Human Rights - Millenium International Documentary Film Festival, Belgium, March 2015
יצירת קשר: Heymann Brothers Films Ltd
Tova, who is paralyzed due to muscular dystrophy, specializes in matchmaking for people with disabilities. Even though Tova herself does not believe in love, she has had remarkable success as a matchmaker, and her passion for the job and her clients is undeniable. Her tough-love approach has invented a unique matchmaking style which has inspired many to flock to her apartment where her husband and daughter weigh in as she assigns matches.
English 2013