Dead Sea Guardians
- בימוי: Ido Glass & Yoav Kleinman
- הפקה: Yoav Kleinman & Ido Glass
- צילום: Yoav Kleinman
- עריכה: Tzipi Raz
- תסריט: Ido Glass
- תחקיר: Ido Glass & Yoav Kleinman
- הקלטה: Oded Oppenheim
- מוזיקה מקורית: Ran Bagno
- עיצוב פס-קול: Ronen Nagel & Nati Zeidenstadt
- שפה: Hebrew, Arabic and English
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew and English
גופים תומכים / גוף שידור
- Sandance Institute
- Skoll Foundation
- Headstart Israel
- EO channel Netherlands
- WD Channel Germany
- CoPro Israel
השתתפות בפסטיבלים
- Santa Barbara International Film Festival
- Thessaloniki Documentary Festival
- Riviera International Film Festival - Italy
- Documentary Edge IFF - New Zealand
- Haifa Film Festival-Israel
- Jewish and Israeli Festivals in the USA - Chicago, Boston, Washington, Detroit, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Charlotteville
- Blue Water Film Festival - USA
- Verde Giffoni - Italy
יצירת קשר: Hedva Goldschmidt- Go2Films
The conflict in this region is killing the Dead Sea. Three people that water is a center element in their life are no longer willing to stand aside and wait- Oded from Israel – an Open Water Swimmer Yusuf from Palestine – a lifeguard in the Dead Sea, And Munqueth from Jordan – expert in ֿwater management. they go for an extreme act to save this sea- they will swim across this sea from side to side, .Nobody has done it before. their goal is to make their governments finally sit together and start working for a solution.
Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian… 2021