Chasing Yehoshua
- בימוי: Shay Fogelman
- הפקה: Assaf Amir - Norma productions
- עריכה: Shay Fogelman
- תסריט: Shay Fogelman
- תחקיר: Shay Fogelman
- מוזיקה מקורית: Avi Belleli
- עיצוב פס-קול: Aviv Aldema
- שפה: Hebrew, Arabic, English, German and Portuguese
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew & English
השתתפות בפסטיבלים
- Docaviv, 2019
- International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam, 2019
- Tempo Documentary Festival, 2020
- DocsMX, 2020
- Moscow Jewish Film Festival, 2020
יצירת קשר: Cinephil
Chasing Yehoshua begins in the West Bank during September 2004 when Yehoshua Elitzur, a settler who shot an innocent Palestinian taxi driver dead, was found guilty and put under house-arrest until the court’s verdict. On the day of the verdict Yehoshua doesn’t show up… From that point on, Shay Fogelman, who covered the story for “Ha’aretz,” will do anything to find Yehoshua. The journey will carry Shay across continents, to places he never thought he would find himself, and to the realization that he’s probably the only person who is still chasing Yehoshua.
Israel 2019, 82 דקות