Apologies For The Delay
- בימוי: Shlomo Slutzky - Daniel Burak
- הפקה: Shlomo Slutzky-Alejandro Gruz
- צילום: Tomer Slutzky - Daniel Burak
- עריכה: Marisa Montes
- תסריט: Shlomo Slutzky-Malen Azzam
- תחקיר: Shlomo Slutzky
- הקלטה: Lucho Conti
- מוזיקה מקורית: Sergio Gruz
- עיצוב פס-קול: Lucho Conti
- שפת תרגום: English 0r Spanish or Hebrew
השתתפות בפסטיבלים
- (International Latino Film Festival Trieste 2018 (First Prize
- International Film Festival Punta del Este 2020
- International Film Festival of Human Rights Argentina 2019
יצירת קשר: Shlomo Slutzky
When in 1977, the Argentine generals killed my cousin, the Doctor Samuel Slutzky (“Samy”), my family in Argentina -the Slutzkys- gave the back to their two orphans who became refugees in the Netherlands. In 2014, When I discover this secret that my family from me hid for decades, I decide to pay the moral debt with Samy accompanying his son Mariano to seek justice in Argentinean court, in the confrontation with the betrayal of the Slutzkys, and , unexpectedly, even in the pursuit of Anibal Gauto, one of the murderers of Sami, which paradoxically finds refuge in Israel.
Israel-Argentina-Netherland 2018, 96 דקות