An Ordinary Life

  • בימוי: Gili Danon & Efrat Shalom Danon
  • הפקה: Osnat Trabelsi, Efrat Shalom Danon & Gili Danon
  • צילום: Gili Danon
  • עריכה: Gili Danon
  • תסריט: Gili Danon & Efrat Shalom Danon
  • תחקיר: Efrat Shalom Danon
  • מוזיקה מקורית: Ellyott
  • עיצוב פס-קול: Rotem Dror
  • שפה: English, Hebrew, German, Tigrinya, Somali
  • שפת תרגום: English, Hebrew

גופים תומכים / גוף שידור

Makor Foundation for Israeli Films
Saxony Cultural Foundation

השתתפות בפסטיבלים

Jerusalem Film Festival 2020
SIFF - Switzerland International Film Festival 2020
Jersey Shore Film Festival 2020
Fresco International Film Festival 2020
International Migration Film Festival 2020
Brussels Jewish International Film Festival 2020
International Changing Perspectives Film Festival 2020
SAGA Adelaide: Women's International Film Festival 2020
2020 Esto Es Para Esto


Jersey Shore Film Festival 2020 - Best International Documentary Award

יצירת קשר: Go2Films

Fadhumo and Helen are two refugees seeking sanctuary in Israel and Germany. Each in her own way copes with discrimination, foreignness, and a life without roots. They become close friends and social activists determined to help women like them and provide a better future for coming generations. Between Tel Aviv and Berlin they live under differing regimes – the “open door policy” on one hand; the “infiltrators’ exile” on the other. Their fate is identical: an unstable life controlled by government policy, exposed daily to human kindness and cruelty, hoping that despite everything, their dreams may still have a chance.

Israel, Germany 2019, 55 דקות

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