צילום: Einav Giat Goodman


  • בימוי: Kineret Hay-Gillor, Maya Tiberman
  • הפקה: Sol Goodman, Anemos Productions
  • צילום: Einav Giat Goodman, Daniel Kedem
  • עריכה: Ori Derdikman
  • תסריט: Maya Tiberman, Kineret Hay-Gillor
  • תחקיר: Kineret Hay-Gillor, Maya Tiberman
  • מוזיקה מקורית: Shai Bachar
  • עיצוב פס-קול: Daniel Meir
  • שפה: Hebrew
  • שפת תרגום: English

גופים תומכים / גוף שידור


השתתפות בפסטיבלים

DocAviv festival 2019 Sechuan TV Festival 2019

Ravit spends all of her spare time hugging abandoned babies. Without human touch and the warmth of a hug, the abandoned babies don’t develop properly and can even die. Ravit always wanted children of her own, but life dictated otherwise, so she feels that she needs to spread her love wherever it is needed. During the days she cooks for hundreds of Tel Aviv’s homeless and in the evenings she hugs abandoned babies in the birthing ward. As she reaches the age of 50, the routine of her life is suddenly cut and she understands that not only parentless babies…

Israel 2019

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