צילום: Oded Kimhi
צילום: Oded Kimhi


  • בימוי: Tomer Heymann
  • הפקה: Barak Heymann
  • צילום: Oded Kimhi
  • עריכה: Ruthy Pribar
  • תחקיר: Tali Shamir-Werzberger
  • עיצוב פס-קול: Ronen Nagel
  • שפה: Hebrew
  • שפת תרגום: English

גופים תומכים / גוף שידור

Channel 1 Israel
Makor Foundation for Israeli Films

השתתפות בפסטיבלים

Jerusalem International Film Festiva
Australian Israeli International Film Festival

יצירת קשר: Heymann Brothers Films

In 1995, the mythological actress Aliza Rosen met Tomer Heymann, a young film director, just starting his career. After close to twenty years of filmmaking and fifteen documentary films, Tomer returns to the materials he had shot at the beginning of his professional career, and edits them into an intimate portrait – filled with sadness and humor – of a woman whose diverse career on stage, TV and movies had not prepared her for the most difficult role of all: exposing her private persona and life story to the camera.

Israel 2014, 58 דקות

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