Accordion Days

  • בימוי: Uri Rosenberg
  • הפקה: Uri Rosenberg
  • צילום: Uri Rosenberg
  • עריכה: Uri Rosenberg
  • תסריט: Uri Rosenberg
  • תחקיר: Uri Rosenberg
  • הקלטה: Uri Rosenberg
  • עיצוב פס-קול: Uri Rosenberg
  • שפה: Hebrew
  • שפת תרגום: Hebrew/English

השתתפות בפסטיבלים

Epos Festival 2019

יצירת קשר: Uri Rosenberg

Is the accordion playing its swan song, or is there still wind in its bellows? Archival materials and musicians retrieve the accordion sounds, which created the soundtrack of the pioneers' Hora dances, the military bands and the songs that were heard in the radio. Is there a new generation that will keep accordion music alive? The answer may be found at Beersheba. The story of the new immigrants from Soviet Union, their difficult absorption and their contribution to Israeli culture is told. The technical sides of this unique musical instrument are demonstrated by traditional expert and high-tech people who upgrade…

Israel 2019, 65 דקות

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