A Whore Like Me
- בימוי: Yael Shachar, Sharon Yaish
- הפקה: Haggai Arad, Elad Peleg-Daroma Productions
- צילום: Yael Shachar
- עריכה: Sharon Yaish
- תסריט: Yael Shachar, Sharon Yaish
- תחקיר: Yael Shachar, Sharon Yaish, Nisan Yaakobi
- מוזיקה מקורית: Haim Frank Ilfman
- עיצוב פס-קול: Ronen Nagel
- שפה: Hebrew
- שפת תרגום: English, Hebrew
גופים תומכים / גוף שידור
Yes Docu
The New Fund for cinema and T.V.
The pais council for art and culture
Ophir Winner (Israeli Oscar winner best short Documentary 2019 - 60 min' long)
Best short documentary film-The documetary forum competition-2019
יצירת קשר: Elad Peleg
Twenty years ago, Chile was kidnapped from Hungary by a group of Israelis traffickers and was forced to work as a prostitute. Now she goes to look for her kidnappers. After she returns to hell, will she be able to leave again?
Israel 2019, 60 דקות