30 KM/H – An Israeli Adventure Film
- בימוי: Roi Maoz & Adam Rabinowitz
- הפקה: Roi Maoz & Adam Rabinowitz
- צילום: Adam Rabinowitz
- מוזיקה מקורית: Yuval Gur
- עיצוב פס-קול: Omri Tayri
- שפה: עברית
- שפת תרגום: Hebrew/English/Russian/French
השתתפות בפסטיבלים
THE WAY Film Festival - 2018 Apulia Web Fest - 2019 Festival du Cinma Isralien de Paris - 2019 Finisterra Arrbida Film Art Tourism Festival - 2019 Frozen River Film Festival - 2019 International Nature Film Festival Gdll - 2019 Irish Adventure Film Festival - 2019 Oneota Film Festival - 2019 Rome Film Awards - 2019
יצירת קשר: Adam Rabinowitz
After reading a note he wrote 10 years prior, Tzafrir realizes that he didn't fulfill any of his dreams. Just before his 30th birthday, he decides to fulfill one of them and drive through Israel on an electric toy car. With the hope of understanding what he wants to do with his life, he goes on the journey across the country and meets people that give their perspective on what it means to grow up.
Israel 2018, 68 דקות